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Visual MED 
Enhancing the value of your EMR

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The MOMENTUM apps were designed by sonographers and practice administrators so they could do more with their ultrasound images, while at the same time reducing the costs associated with the imaging process.
If you are using 40 year old thermal printer technology on your 21st century ultrasound system,
you are not able to fully utilize the value of your network or your EMR.
The EMR is the new ‘Central Repository’ for all of your practice and patient information.
MOMENTUM turns your ultrasound system a
network imaging device that communicates with your
Central Repository.

With MOMENTUM, your ultrasound images can be part of your patient record, in support of the
Meaningful Use part 2 ‘Image Results’ menu measure.


Printer replacement app

Link images to your EMR

Modality Work List

Auto populate patient data on your
imaging device

Free app

Send images to your
expectant moms smart phone

VM F6 Digital NST
Digital Fetal Monitor

Real time remote
monitoring or your NST study

Eliminating your printer is just the beginning . . .

Replacing your printer is just the beginning

MOMENTUM performs three simple tasks for you

1. Acquires your images and      makes them available for
   your EMR in support of
   Meaningful Use part 2


2. Auto archives your images,
   eliminating a pacs


3. Lets you send ultrasound images to your expectant moms

Our Story

Visual MED has been making image communication software for 20 years.  Our customers include the largest diagnostic imaging company in the world, to the smallest stand alone solo private practice provider here in the USA.
Our Visual MED products were not designed by engineers, but by sonographers, nursed, providers and practice administrators, in the real world working environment, so they have lots of common sense built in. The simplicity, reliability and timeliness of the Visual MED app product line make them true investments in your practice.

Our Vision

As the owner of a privately run entrepreneurial business, we know the importance of a commitment to excellence and strong relationships with customers, colleagues and partners.
Our vision is to strengthen the industry by tying our colleagues, partners and customers together with simple imaging apps that enhance their market presence and imaging services while driving down their imaging and operational costs.


Here at Visual MED, we use industry standard technologies in a friendly front line user format.

Our users designed the apps with proven technology to keep costs down and make the apps easy to understand and use.  This helps keep confidence and compliance up while keeping initial investment and on-going costs down.

Who are we

                         How much do you spend in thermal paper each month?

The typical practice spends:                         .  $16.00 per roll for thermal paper
.  $32.00 per day                                              .  150 images per roll
.  $144.00 per week                                         .  Average 20 images per study
.  $576.00 per month                                      .  Average 15 studies per day
.  $6,912.00 per year                                       .  216 scanning days per year

This realistic calculation does not take into account staff time for filing the images or scanning images into your EMR.  

Printing costs

MOMENTUM performs three simple functions for you:

1 Acquire your images and link them to your Athena patient record
   >  Support of Meaningful Use part 2 'Image Results' requirements
2 Auto archive your original DICOM images
   >  Eliminate the costly, cumbersome and complicated PACS
>  Eliminates your sonographer from the time consuming
back up process of the ultrasound hard drive

3 Share images with your Expectant moms
   >  Enhance your patient's practice experience
    >  Support the new expected level of service by expectant moms  

Printer replacement app

The MOMENTUM printer replacement app eliminates the need for the thermal printer and turns your ultrasound system into a newtork imaging device that communicates with your Central Repository, your EMR.

SInce MOMENTUM was designed by sonographes and practice administrators, it has lots of good common sense built in.  It is reliable, simple and somewhat elegant.
Since it uses industry standard technology, you probably already have everything you need to set up and getting sending without additional expense.
MOMENTUM can link your images to your EMR, in support of Meaningful Use part 2 Menu measure, with HL7 messaging, API or manual import.  MOMENTUM does not charge the HL7 or API messaging to your EMR

Click here for more information 

How do I prepare for set up


Delivers irresistible content, for free, right to your expectant mom's smart phone. successful patient engagement strategy involves communicating with patients, the way they want to communicate.  The new expected level of service is communicating with your patients through their smart phones.
MOMentum is a simple free app that acquires your ultrasound images and lets you send the all important '
first images' to your expectant moms through email or text.
Eliminating your printer and paper costs while simultaneously enhancing your
patient's practice experience.
Your sonographer controls what images she shares.  The images are auto anonymized so there is not extra work and not patient data that is shared or sent.
Click here for more information
How do I prepare for set up

Modality Work List

The ultrasound department with the OBGYN practice is important, both diagnostically and fiscally.  It is important to keep the ultrasound workflow running as efficiently as possible.  With the advent of the EMR and Meaningful Use requirements, accuracy in patient data entry has come to the forefront, since connecting the images to the patient record is part of the MU part 2 menu measures.  
Ensuring accuracy does not have to come a the expense of productivity.
MOMENTUM MWL allows any user in the practice to auto populate the ultrasound, prior to the sonographer scanning the patient.  The ultrasound can also be auto populated from the EMR order entry.
MOMENTUM MWL helps you assure accuracy while simultaneously improving ultrasound productivity and efficiency.
Click here for more information

What it does

Digital NST

The VM F6 Digital NST is a REAL, SIMPLE solution for  getting NST’s to your EMR.  No Paper, No Scanners, No Delays.
The VM F6 digital fetal monitor and VME central monitoring application is a comprehensive solution for the busy OB care environment.  It is patient care and nurse/provider oriented with real time remote monitoring across the practice’s entire network with EMR export communication and data storage. 
With the VM F6 your nurses and providers can monitor the NST patient from any computer or smart phone in the practice, while caring for other patients and eliminate the NST paper and paper process.  
Download the VME Digital NST pdf.

Click here for more information

Link to Digital NST site

Digital NST

What it Does . . .

MOMENTUM performs three simple functions for you:

1 Acquire your images and link them to your Athena patient record
   >  Support of Meaningful Use part 2 'Image Results' requirements
2 Auto archive your original DICOM images
   >  Eliminate the costly, cumbersome and complicated PACS
>  Eliminates your sonographer from the time consuming
back up process of the ultrasound hard drive

3 Share images with your Expectant moms
   >  Enhance your patient's practice experience
    >  Support the new expected level of service by expectant moms  

Printer replacement app

The MOMENTUM printer replacement app eliminates the need for the thermal printer and turns your ultrasound system into a newtork imaging device that communicates with your Central Repository, your EMR.

SInce MOMENTUM was designed by sonographes and practice administrators, it has lots of good common sense built in.  It is reliable, simple and somewhat elegant.
Since it uses industry standard technology, you probably already have everything you need to set up and getting sending without additional expense.
MOMENTUM can link your images to your EMR, in support of Meaningful Use part 2 Menu measure, with HL7 messaging, API or manual import.  MOMENTUM does not charge the HL7 or API messaging to your EMR

Click here for more information 

How do I prepare for set up


Delivers irresistible content, for free, right to your expectant mom's smart phone. successful patient engagement strategy involves communicating with patients, the way they want to communicate.  The new expected level of service is communicating with your patients through their smart phones.
MOMentum is a simple free app that acquires your ultrasound images and lets you send the all important '
first images' to your expectant moms through email or text.
Eliminating your printer and paper costs while simultaneously enhancing your
patient's practice experience.
Your sonographer controls what images she shares.  The images are auto anonymized so there is not extra work and not patient data that is shared or sent.
Click here for more information
How do I prepare for set up

Modality Work List

The ultrasound department with the OBGYN practice is important, both diagnostically and fiscally.  It is important to keep the ultrasound workflow running as efficiently as possible.  With the advent of the EMR and Meaningful Use requirements, accuracy in patient data entry has come to the forefront, since connecting the images to the patient record is part of the MU part 2 menu measures.  
Ensuring accuracy does not have to come a the expense of productivity.
MOMENTUM MWL allows any user in the practice to auto populate the ultrasound, prior to the sonographer scanning the patient.  The ultrasound can also be auto populated from the EMR order entry.
MOMENTUM MWL helps you assure accuracy while simultaneously improving ultrasound productivity and efficiency.
Click here for more information

Completing the EMR Circle

Completing the EMR Circle

The MOMENTUM apps allow you to easily integrate part or all of your imaging processes into your network and efficiently and effectively communicate with your EMR, colleagues, and patients. 

MOMENTUM apps allow you to use your existing PC hardware and network so not additional capital investments are requires.

The apps work on standard WIN OS computers, using standard DICOM and network protocols.

You can link your ultrasound, Fetal Monitoring, Bone densitometry and C-Arm through MOMENTUM to your EMR.

Click here for more information

Practices and Practice groups whose names you may recognize who use MOMENTUM apps

"The smartest imaging app in the market"

Names you may know
Practices and Practice groups whose names you may recognize who use MOMENTUM apps

"The smartest imaging app

in the market"

United Physicians Management

Atlanta Women's Health Group


US Women's Health Alliance

Women's Care Florida

Georgia Perinatal Consultants

Women's Health USA

Southwest Women's Health Alliance

Florida Women's Care

Genesis OBGYN

North Florida Women's Care

Women's Health Connecticut


What you need to set up
Practices and Practice groups whose names you may recognize who use MOMENTUM apps

"The smartest imaging app

in the market"

United Physicians Management

Atlanta Women's Health Group



US Women's Health Alliance

Women's Care Florida

Georgia Perinatal Consultants

Women's Health USA

Southwest Women's Health Alliance

Florida Women's Care

Genesis OBGYN

North Florida Women's Care

Women's Health Connecticut


Image Acquisition

  • DICOM Store

  • B/W and Color

Ultrasound Requirements

  • DICOM ready
    **Works with all DICOM systems

  • Network connectivity


  • Full resolution

  • Brightness/Contrast

  • Pan/Zoom

  • Image sequence adjust

  • No permanent modifications

What You Need To Get Started

  • DICOM ultrasound system

  • Network connection

  • PC/Laptop to run MOMENTUM

IT Set up
.  Static or Reserved IP Address on
   the computer running
.  Optional - Auto Archive folder
    MOMENTUM will auto archive your original DICOM
    images for long term storage to you selected file

What you need to set up

PC Requirements

  • WINDOWS 10 / 11

  • Network connectivity
    LAN / WAN / Direct PC to Ultrasound

Ultrasound Set up
.  DICOM Configuration

.  Network Configuration


  • Single or multi image

  • Auto or Manual export

  • Auto Archive original DICOM images: Locally or Remote

  • EMR HL7 messaging link – No charge

  • Formats:pdf/tif/jpg/dcm

Printer replacement app
Link images to your EMR

Modality Work List
Auto populate patient data on your
imaging device

Free app
Send images to your
expectant moms smart phone

VM F6 Digital NST
Digital Fetal Monitor
Real time remote
monitoring or your NST study

OB scan on Tablet.JPG

3 in 1 and Dualhead WiFi Ultrasound

The EDGE 3 in 1 and Dualhead WiFi handheld ultrasound lets you carry high end diagnostic visualization with you on any and every patient encounter.
Designed by sonographers and providers to expedite and enhance patient care, build confidence and compliance in the care process and enhance the practice's operating budget.
Multi frequency Convex, Linear and Phased Array imaging formats in one ultrasound system that is smaller than you iPhone.

 iOS and Droid operating system.  MicroVue App download and updates are free at your App Store and Play Store..
Click here for more information

Link to EDGE 3 in 1 site


EDGE WiFi Ultrasound
Request demo
Request demo

To ask questions or request your eval, please send us a message with your contact details. 
We look forward to supporting your imaging objectives.

(800) 324-4464

2725 Westinghouse Blvd.
Charlotte, NC.  28273

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